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How to Bush Player Kill

Here I will explain how one would actually gain kills using bushes. Before you read on, go watch this video on a “Beginners guide to Bush Player Killing” and then come back for more advanced aspects of bush player killing.

*Note: This video is a little dated and a new one is in the works.

V's video on "A Beginners Guide to Bush PK"


Welcome back, I hope you found that video informative.

Now I will explain the basic aspects and maneuvers of bush player killing.

*Note: A lot of the information listed here is for player killing at Angel Clans pond, of course, the information here can be applied anywhere. Tips and other information for other ponds can be found in the Other Ponds section.

Picking up Bushes

The most important thing that you need to master to be proficient at bush player killing is being able to consistently pick up bushes. If you can not pick up bushes quickly with ease and control then you will be quickly rushed and potentially comboed ending with, your opponent gaining a kill and a very lost and confused player. (you)

After you have mastered centering your player with bushes and picking them up, you now have to decide whether you are going to turn around and throw it or run with it for a while until you have a clear shot at your opponent. This is all determined by your situation in game. Are you being chased by another player? Are you away from the battle? Or is it too late and you have been hit by a sword or arrow?

Throwing Bushes pt. i

Throwing the bush is decided by your environment if a player is chasing you then turn around and throw it instantly. If you are not in the heat of the action, pick the bush up and stroll over to your opponent and throw the bush at them.

If you are in a crowd of people, try to dish out as much damage as you can by hitting multiple foes at once with bushes and quickly running in to deal the finishing blow with your sword before returning to the safety of your bush patch.

Renember, when doing this make sure that you are accurate and focused because one wrong move and you could lose your positioning and flow.

Bush Patches

Advanced Techniques

Bush player killing is so much more than just pressing a sequence of buttons. In this section of advanced techniques, I will explain aiming, lag composition, the distance that bushes are effective and, the difference between computer and iclassic.

Throwing Bushes Pt. ii

Compensating for Lag

To be successful at gaining kills with bushes you need to be able to throw accurately and predict where players are going to be. To be able to achieve this you need to understand what lag is and how to compensate for other players lag.

What is lag? Lag is the noticeable delay between the action of the players and the reaction of the server. When you play Graal your device sends information to Graals servers and then back to everyone else's clients. The data of your player has to travel to the server then back to other players, this is how your entity in Graal exists. If you are farther away from the servers than you will naturally lag more because your data has to travel further.

What is lag compensation? Lag compensation is the prediction of where a players presence on the server is. This can be mistaken for a player's physical appearance. Depending how your opponents latency is their physical appearance could be a few tiles behind their entity.

If a player is running you want to throw your bush not at them but where they are going to be. To do this you need to predict where their server entity will be and throw the bush ahead of their server entity. This takes practice but once you master it you will be immensely better than a player who hasn’t mastered lag compensation predictions.

The distance Bushes are Effective

In this segment, I'm going to explain how far bushes can be thrown and, why it is important to know how far bushes are effective. To understand how far bushes go we need to know how Graal is measured. Graal is measured in tiles, these are small squares that are for the most part invisible to the player. The way we can measure these tiles are using fence posts side by side.

When testing this bushes seem to fly for eight and a half posts breaking at nine It is still possible to hit a player on the tenth fence post, ten posts means ten tiles.

Knowing how far a bush is effective can be very helpful because if you can hit a player at ten tiles away every time but they need to come close to you then you clearly have the advantage. The closer you are to a player the more susceptible you are to being hit by a bush, sword, arrow or, bomb. The further you can be from another player but still deal damage the better.

This is not an easy task as there are numerous variables involved to be able to hit a moving target ten tiles away. A few things that you need to keep in mind are the lag that is on the server and how to compensate for that, you need to know which way your opponent is headed and, you need to be able to time the throw so the bush hits its target.

2018 Way of the Bush

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