Pond geographically speaking is located approximately in the center of Graal. Look for Angel Clan on the map and look right below that. This is how one would find pond since Angel Clan is a landmark on your map.
Pro tip: If you type "unstick me" you will be warped somewhere in Angel Clan. To get to pond just exit Angel Clan, watch out for aggresive bush player killers when you leave!!

Map of Graal
North of pond is Graal City, the capital of Graal. South of pond is Swamp Town. East of pond is The Woods of Master Li and the ship from Balamb Island. Finally west of pond was castle fort now replaced with The Royal Palace.
Player killers hang around this spot because like every overworld player killing spot this is a high traffic location in the world of Graal. What I mean by this is that many players come through the pond location quite frequently.
Players come through this location for many reasons ranging from receiving or completing daily quests from the king of the Royal Palace, to going from place to place as it is a quick way to get around the map. Sometimes a confused new player will stumble their way into the crossfire of bushes.
This is a picture of "pond", this is where most of the action takes place!
To the left of pond is an open area where sparrers challenge bush player killers to a dual. This is not where bush pkers usually thrive though. Bush player killers thrive in the patches of regrowing bushes on either side of pond.
When you need a rest or can’t stand the heat of battle anymore you can always just take a dip in Pond for a while. We hope you enjoy your stay!

In old Graal, Pond was the way to get to Whisperstorm Fields, to reach this you would have to drive into the Pond under Angel Clan. This was where the Jesus Freaks guild house was located.
This is what canon evidence we know.