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Leader: X

Co-Leader: V

Previously Owned: Omni


The guild “Pond” was created by Omni on an unknown date as a player killing guild. Omni stepped down and the leadership of the guild was given to V. On November 15, 2019 leadership of Pond was passed down to X for his 100k. He now watches over the guild and recruits members. Pond now serves as an opportunity and family to new player killers interested in bush pk.


Leader: V

Banished was founded by V in 2012 as a player killing family guild. Banished is a group of carefully selected loyal player close to V. Members are selected to this guild for loyalty to V as a friend, they're a group of people who trust each other immensely. Banished was one of the most difficult Pond guilds to join because you need to prove yourself trustworthy to V and have a good standing with a majority of the members of Pond. Banished is no longer joinable and is closed to the public as of writing this.


Leader: PRON-Z

Co-Leader: L3A


L3GACY was created by PRON-Z in 2008 around the time he started playing Graal. The guild was created as a troll tag and a place for friends to hang out. He stopped playing Graal and trusted the guild with a close friend L3A to look after the guild while he was gone. PRON-Z returned in 2018 to reek havoc on the noobs of Graal.


Leader: X

Previously Owned: V


Bush Fu is a guild that was created by V as a side guild to Banished and Pond but ownership was passed down to X. Bush Fu is no longer a guild that is joinable since the account linked to leadership has been unlinked.

2018 Way of the Bush

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